The Arizona Beef Council offers lesson plans and materials for FREE to Arizona educators. To request materials, please send us an email.

Confident Cooking with Beef

Confident Cooking with Beef

From understanding your choices at the meat case to grilling the perfect steak, "Confident Cooking with Beef" will provide you with all things beef so you can eat smarter, feel stronger and taste greatness – all with a powerful protein you can always count on. 

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Basics About Beef

This booklet is freshly updated and contains all the beef information you could want. It is 20 pages of beefyness including beef nutrition, serving size, how to buy and store beef, cookery methods, a large chart showing the many different cuts, beef food safety, and a timetable for many different cooking methods. This is a great resource for your protein unit and would work well in a research or self guided activity. 

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Beef Retail Cuts Chart 2021

Beef Cuts Charts

This handout gives an overview of the retail cuts of beef and where they are located on the animal. A unique feature of this cut chart is the cooking key and legend, which associates each cut with a specific cooking method to provide the most tenderness and flavor possible. Hard copies are available in two sizes: laminated poster-size and 8.5" x 11" handout.

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